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Scopus Survey API

Web API for bibliographic survey of Scopus articles

Linting and Testing Action Documentation Action Coverage Web API Version Python3 Version

Federal Institute of Mato Grosso do Sul - IFMS - Campus Três Lagoas
Technology in Systems Analysis and Development - TADS
Brazil - MS - Três Lagoas

Source Code:


This Web API was developed to facilitate the search for articles for research and the development of theoretical references. It will use both the Scopus Search API and the Scopus Abstract Retrieval API, maintained by the Elsevier company, to query the Scopus cluster, which is the largest database of abstracts and citations of quality research literature and sources on the web.

To perform the search, you will need to have Python3 or Docker installed to run the application, you will also need to generate an API Key and select a maximum of four Keywords based on the topic of your search. Start the application, go to the web page, submit your API Key and your Keywords, and if any articles are found, a CSV file with the article information will be returned.


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.