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Getting Started


First you need to clone the project source code from the GitHub repository:

On the Bash terminal using Git:

git clone

On VsCode using Git Extension:

  • Open the Command Palette and press Ctrl + Shift + P or F1.
  • Select the Git: Clone command and click on it.
  • Paste the repository URL:
  • Press Enter or click on Clone from URL and select a directory.


# Setup Venv
make setup

# Activate Venv
source .venv/bin/activate

# Install dependencies
(.venv) make install

# Run the App locally
(.venv) make run
# Setup Venv
make setup

# Activate Venv
source .venv/bin/activate

# Install dependencies
(.venv) pip3 install -r requirements/requirements.txt

# Run the App locally
(.venv) make run
# Run the App in Docker Container
make docker

Web Application

Once you start the application you can access the Application Web Page at:

Web App


Select your preferred language by clicking the button next to the flag in the top right corner. Currently supported are English (en-us) and Portuguese (pt-br).

On the web page, click on the fields and enter your data, making sure they are correct:

  • Enter your API Key and Keywords in the respective fields.
  • Enter one Keyword for each field.
  • It is required to fill in the API Key field and at least two Keywords fields.
  • Click on the Search Articles button and wait for the search results.

Web Search

All fields on the web page are configured to verify that the information in each respective field is correct, so you must be aware of the rules and conditions regarding the API Key and the Keywords provided in the requirements section.

As soon as you start typing in a field, it will automatically give you feedback, so stay tuned:

  • Remember that it is required to fill in the API Key field and at least two Keywords fields.
  • The red color will circe the field and a message will be shown if the data is incorrect.
  • The green color will circle the field if the data is correct.

Web Validation

If any article is successfully found, a message will return informing you of success and a CSV file containing all the search information will be automatically downloaded.

Alert Success

If no article is found, a message will return informing what went wrong. You should first read and analyze the message and try to understand what caused the error before trying again.

Alert Error

You can also check the request response in the browser's DevTools inspect.

Inspect Error

Table of Articles

After successfully completing the search processing, in addition to downloading the CSV file, the Show Table button will also be released, and when you click on it you will be redirected to a new page in which a table will display a preview of all the article data found.

CSV Table

The table below exemplifies the results of a search. Using Computer Vision, Scopus and Machine Learning as Keywords, a total of 71 articles were found. There was no loss due to similarity and it took around 18704.65ms.

Table Result


Click here to download the CSV file of the search example above.

Interactive Swagger

Once you start the application you can access the Swagger UI at


Select the Endpoint /search-articles and click on the Try it out button.

  • Enter your API Key and Keywords.
  • The Keywords must be separated by a comma.
  • It is mandatory to fill in the API Key field and at least two Keywords.
  • The X-Access-Token header will be setted automatically, you should not change it.
  • Click on the Execute button.

Swagger Search

If any article is successfully found, a CSV file containing all the search information will be returned. You can click on the Download button to download the file.

Swagger Success

If no article is found, a message will return informing what went wrong. You should first read and analyze the message and try to understand what caused the error before trying again.

Swagger Error